My Story

Before I started my journey to become an aspiring entrepreneur and Chandler, I was focused on climbing the corporate ladder for the majority of my career. I studied Graphic Design which challenged my creative desires but I was lost in life. I let financial security and what others thought I should do, dictate my career choices. I knew I needed to have a creative path in order to feel I had a purpose in this life. I gave up my costly education to focus on earning a steady income with a reputable corporate position in the tech industry that lasted 10 years. It gave me security with a steady income and made me happy for a short period of time. But that faded quickly as I still didn't feel whole, I became very depressed, and I wondered if I would ever feel joy doing what I love. I was lost and started giving up on life.

When I became a mom at the age of 41 back in 2021 during the start of the end of the pandemic, it changed my entire outlook on life and my career. Being home, I realized I needed to do something where I didn't spend the rest of my life working for someone else and doing nothing that gave me a real purpose or fulfillment. I also unexpectedly found myself as a single mom shortly after my daughter was born. I wanted to spend every moment and milestone with my daughter and needed to find a way to do that as a single parent. I had been given the gift of love and wanted to enjoy every moment with her while trying to maintain a good home for us. I knew that life was pushing me towards a new direction, away from the life that I regretfully wasted on not following my passions. I needed to make a choice to do something I loved while being able to provide for our little family and my daughter inspires me to work towards that everyday.

I have always loved candles and fragrances and one idea led to another and that became my soul's calling. So I started the journey in learning all I could about fragrances and how to make my own home fragrance products. It quickly became an obsession and I learned all I could about home fragrances and owning a small business. There was a learning curve while trying to balance being a parent and small business owner and I certainly let my creativity get ahead of me at times. During my life's path of struggles and heartache, I learned to be present and grateful for everything I have, which has led me to discover the joy in meditation, positive thinking, and creating abundance. Not just for myself, but for others as well. Through my spiritual journey and discovery, I have found that crystals help me channel and elevate my energies through this path of self-discovery. Crystals not only promote healing, joy, love, and abundance but they're beautiful gemstones on our planet and I wanted to incorporate them in my products. I also wanted to create products for the simple soul who just wants their space to smell good so created a wide variety of options with my product lines. I created products that only focus on aromatherapy but still look good in any space with various color options and sizes.

This journey has allowed me to create products that I am proud of which brings me so much joy and hope. From the beginning stages of mixing and pouring wax, testing, and designing labels and packaging; each candle and fragrance product has been custom created by my own inspirations. Handcrafted with love and passion, I hope my products bring joy, love, peace, and happiness to every home and space! Learn more about Lotus 3 Studios here: Lotus 3 Studios.

Love & Light,